By Belle Carter
CDC rolls out 200 routine vaccines for 2025, way up from 1983’s SEVEN routine childhood injections, zero for adults and pregnant women
In November, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) published the vaccine schedule for 2025, naming over 200 routine injections for children and teenagers, adults and pregnant women. From 1983 up to 1986, when the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act, otherwise known as the Vaccine Act passed the U.S. Congress, there were only seven […]
By Kevin Hughes
Ontario government reportedly tracked 428 cases of possible illegal euthanasia but never notified police
Ontario euthanasia regulators have reportedly traced 428 cases of possible legal violations but failed to mention a single case to law enforcement. The Ontario Office of the Chief Coroner has counted 428 cases of non-compliance with Medical Assistance in Dying (MAID) regulations since 2017, “ranging from broken safeguards to patients who were euthanized who may […]
By Ethan Huff
Kentucky doctors tried to harvest organs from “brain dead” man who was actually still alive and cognizant… but the doctors didn’t care
An investigation is is currently underway to determine how Kentucky man TJ Hoover II was almost murdered on the operating table for his valuable vital organs at Baptist Health hospital in Richmond. Hospital employee Natasha Miller told NPR that she was about to do her routine duty of preserving donated organs for transplantation when she […]
By Ethan Huff
Bill Gates’ “days are numbered,” say Japanese scientists after ABORTION DRUGS found in “vaccines”
Japanese scientists are sounding. the alarm about the genocidal agenda of billionaire eugenicist and “philanthropist” Bill Gates, who is lacing “vaccines” with abortion-inducing pharmaceuticals. World-renowned experts like leading Japanese oncologist Dr. Masanori Fukushima are urging international prosecutors to try Gates in court, especially now that the government’s Covid Task Force has uncovered plenty of damning […]
By Lance D Johnson
Former New York COVID Czar admits to manipulating the public and defrauding the FDA while participating in perverted romps
Many of the government and public health officials who were behind the onslaught of medical tyranny and unlawful mandates since 2020 (especially the ones that flouted their own restrictions and attended orgies) knew all along that COVID-19 was a psychological operation based on mainstream media programming, medical fraud and Big Pharma capitalizing on people’s fears […]
By Belle Carter
WHO greenlights mpox vaccine for babies in Africa – despite no prior clinical trials
The World Health Organization (WHO) recently approved the first mpox (monkeypox) vaccine for adults in Africa, the Modified Vaccinia Ankara-Bavarian Nordic (MVA-BN) vaccine from the Danish pharmaceutical company Bavarian Nordic. According to the WHO, the approval will accelerate vaccine access for millions to reduce transmission and help contain the outbreak. “This first prequalification of a vaccine […]
By Lance D Johnson
Christians who betrayed their faith and pushed abortion-tainted COVID-19 vaccines should repent for perpetuating mass murder
Vaccines are widely regarded in the medical community as being synonymous with science. These biologics are so highly worshiped; their necessity and historical impact cannot be questioned – not by parents, healthcare providers, or the media. Parents who question vaccines are often dismissed from pediatric offices and denied healthcare for their children. Healthcare providers who […]
By Ethan Huff
Doctors killed in Brazilian plane crash promised to release evidence tying mRNA “vaccines” to TURBO CANCER
The other day, we reported that eight of the 62 (not 68 as was originally reported) people who died in the recent ATR 72 turboprop plane crash in Sao Paulo, Brazil, were doctors headed to an important oncology conference. It has since come out that six of these eight were also scientists who planned to […]
By Cassie B.
COVID-19 would have eventually declined on its own – but opportunistic governments and vaccine makers convinced the public otherwise
During the pandemic, the world was convinced it needed masks, vaccines, lockdowns and other measures to protect humanity, but like most viruses, COVID-19 was always destined to decline on its own as it ran out of vulnerable people to infect. It’s a simple but powerful concept that was explained in detail by Dr. John Snow […]
By S.D. Wells
Another “vaccine passport” bill FAILS to pass in New York where medical legislation is disguised so the nanny-state can impose vaccine mandates later
New York is the city and state where legislation to remove medical rights and privacy masquerades as “options” so the medical-police-state can later impose vaccine mandates and perform gender mutilation surgery on kids without parental consent. The latest attempt to remove medical privacy in New York comes as lawmakers tried to make it so that […]
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