News & Articles By Vicki Batts
By Vicki Batts
More than one million children under age 6 are on psychiatric drugs… parents don’t know what they’re getting into
Are children in the United States being over-medicated? According to some recent statistics, it surely looks that way. Over a million children six years of age or under are prescribed a psychiatric medication. Overall, more than eight million kids in America are on some sort of psychotropic drug — and the medical establishment is hardly […]
By Vicki Batts
Here’s what happens to people who try to get off psychiatric drugs
Many people have spoken out about the potential threats posed by psychiatric drugs. Often heralded as life-saving treatments, few skeptics are given the time of day by the mainstream legacy media. Why put in the effort required by some “alternative” treatments (like dietary and lifestyle modifications) when you can just pop a pill to make […]
By Vicki Batts
Stunning finding reveals autism is highest in areas with the highest vaccination rates
The surge of autism diagnoses in recent years has left many people looking for an explanation. Oft-labeled a “conspiracy theory,” or something to that effect, the suspicion that vaccines are a potential cause of autism is on the rise. New research from the Canadian government has indirectly shown that in highly vaccinated populations, autism rates […]
By Vicki Batts
ADHD is a FAKE disease invented by Big Pharma to drug children for profit
ADHD, or Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, is ubiquitous in the American classroom, there’s little debate about that. According to CDC statistics from 2012, 11 percent of children between the ages of four and 17 had been diagnosed with ADHD at some point. With over six million kids diagnosed, it’s hard not to wonder: Is this […]
By Vicki Batts
Medical nightmare: Woman left unable to function and in excruciating pain after botched surgery, then has her memories wiped by the pain meds
Medical horror stories come in many forms, but few are as disturbing as those involving botched surgeries and other mishaps during medical procedures. As a patient, you entrust doctors and other healthcare professionals with your body and your well-being; to have your health taken away by a careless mistake is nothing short of devastating (and […]
By Vicki Batts
Vaccine industry pushing state laws to TRACK your “vaccine status” with pharma surveillance tactics – urgent action needed
Freedom in Florida is under attack again, as state legislators seek to pass multiple vaccine-related bills to restrict personal liberty. Under these unconstitutional pieces of legislation, law-makers would “delete” parental rights regarding vaccine tracking. Senate Bill 1680 was filed on January 5, 2018 — and under this bill, parents would no longer have the right […]
By Vicki Batts
Vaccine cultists try to explain away newly discovered link between flu shots and spontaneous abortions
A recent study published in the journal Vaccine showed that there was a “strong association” between repeated seasonal flu shots and miscarriages. For anyone skeptical of vaccines, this finding, while saddening, is not exactly surprising. Why wouldn’t injecting a pregnant woman with a toxic cocktail of viruses, adjuvants and mercury cause a miscarriage? The flu shot […]
By Vicki Batts
BREAKING: Robert F. Kennedy Jr. calls for extradition of CDC vaccine criminal mastermind Poul Thorsen to face charges of criminal scientific misconduct
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. (RFK Jr.) and his team at World Mercury Project have drafted up a new report that reveals the criminal conduct of CDC consultant and vaccine cultist Poul Thorsen. With an overwhelming body of evidence, RFK Jr is calling for Attorney General Jeff Sessions to take action and extradite Poul Thorsen so […]
By Vicki Batts
Same mainstream media attacking football as “unsafe for the brain” says nothing about brain-damaging mercury in vaccines
Football is suddenly facing a tremendous amount of scrutiny for its potential to cause irreparable damage to players. While any number of injuries are associated with such a heavy-duty contact sport, football stands alone in its potential for irreversible brain damage; many players have suffered from traumatic brain injuries, concussions, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS, or Lou […]
By Vicki Batts
BOMBSHELL: United Nations admits latest outbreak of polio in Syria was caused by polio vaccines
In war-torn Syria, there’s little doubt that the conflict has taken a toll on health. Now, the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) reports that their attempt at using vaccines to “protect” children against polio has backfire — infecting more children with the devastating disease rather than saving them. Vaccines make children sick, you don’t say? […]
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