News & Articles By Vicki Batts
By Vicki Batts
BUTCHERY: Abortions send more than 5,000 women a year to hospital emergency rooms in the U.S. alone
The Left often paints abortion as an easy thing for women to go through, but the truth is that it is a major medical procedure to undergo; you’re literally removing a growing organism from your body. Yet liberals seem to paint a different picture: the Planned Parenthood website describes abortions as “one of the safest […]
By Vicki Batts
Vaccinated children are more likely to develop OCD and other anxiety disorders
A recent study, led by researchers from two Ivy League universities, found a link between vaccines and the onset of anxiety and other related disorders. This shocking find once again calls vaccine “safety” into question, though the mainstream media and other pharma shills are loath to admit it. Even the World Health Organization has quietly admitted that […]
By Vicki Batts
Vaccine authoritarians try to censor billboard that dares ask, “Do you know what’s in a vaccine?”
Do you know what’s in vaccines — or perhaps more importantly, is it “wrong” to ask such a question?, a non-profit organization founded by an ex-Merck employee, put up a billboard in Perth, Australia, which asked one important question: “Do you know what’s in a vaccine?” It’s a simple question, yet astonishingly few people […]
By Vicki Batts
American Medical Association sliding toward support of physician-assisted suicide… here come the death panels
Will the American Medical Association soon be in favor of physician-assisted suicide? In early June, the AMA decided not to reaffirm its position against assisted suicide – a decision which has shocked many. But indeed, the AMA has gone against its own Council on Ethical and Judicial Affairs, which recommended the AMA maintain its opposition of euthanasia for humans. […]
By Vicki Batts
FACT CHECK: Daily Caller claims lack of vaccines is causing a return of polio to Venezuela … but so far the grand total is just ONE patient
Venezuela’s crumbling socialized healthcare system has been making headlines as the government has struggled to dole out the funds being demanded for vaccines. Propagandists are already inciting outrage, claiming that low vaccination rates in the South American nation will lead to epidemics of disease. In a recent piece that smacks of pro-vaccine fake news, The […]
By Vicki Batts
BOTOX injections found to actually NUMB your mind and stifle emotions
Botox injections are all the rage these days; the pressure to remain “forever young” has only been heightened by the rise of social media – and people are getting age-defying procedures done at younger and younger ages. While you may think of Botox as being for those of us approaching middle age, doctors are now pushing […]
By Vicki Batts
Mind-altered America: How drugs like Ambien are turning America into a nation of hallucinating psychos
Big Pharma has gotten away with far too much, for far too long; there is no doubt about that. Whether we’re talking about the plethora of children harmed by reckless vaccination programs, their for-profit disease-manufacturing, or simply just the growing numbers of children and teens on treacherous psych meds, America has become a pawn for […]
By Vicki Batts
Could an independent vaccine safety group save the U.S. from government corruption?
It’s no secret that everything we’re told about vaccines by the mainstream media and major “health” organizations is a lie. Agencies like the CDC may be charged with protecting public health, but they continue to demonstrate that they are more concerned with upholding their archaic narratives and protecting Big Pharma’s profits than the American people. […]
By Vicki Batts
Dr. Suzanne Humphries reveals the stunning fraud of the CDC and vaccine propagandists
In a new interview with Mike Adams on CounterThink, Dr. Suzanne Humphries tells-all, revealing the corrupt vaccine industry’s dirtiest secrets and more. Humphries, a medical doctor and author of Dissolving Illusions: Diseases, Vaccines and the Forgotten History, was a highly regarded nephrologist — before she switched gears and set out to expose vaccines (and the CDC) for the […]
By Vicki Batts
USDA caught murdering hundreds of kittens in “incineration ovens” as part of cruel medical experiments
Just in case you weren’t already horrified by the actions of federal agencies, the USDA has been caught experimenting with and executing hundreds of kittens as part of some sort of twisted study. Congressman Mike Bishop of Michigan is now calling for an investigation, revealing that he has already sent a letter to Secretary of Agriculture Sonny […]
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