News & Articles By S.D. Wells
By S.D. Wells
Top 8 WORST INVENTIONS of the past century that decimate people’s health and safety
Throughout history, there are amazing inventions that improve our world, our lives and help us evolve. Some of those inventions, though, are utilized for evil purposes. Then, there are inventions that simply were designed for evil purposes, and that’s what this research reveals about 8 inventions that destroy people’s mind and body, and put their […]
By S.D. Wells
GOT SCIATICA? Huge uptick in sciatica cases since Covid-19 vaccine campaign began
Sciatica is best described as mild to severe shooting pains that run down the back and into one or both legs. This is generally caused by inflammation of the largest nerve in the human body known as the sciatic nerve, that runs along each side of the lumbar spine (lower back), through the buttocks, past […]
By S.D. Wells
Vaccine promoting doctor now says Covid jab ACCELERATED his cancer, leading to a barrage of new lymphoma cancer lesions
A Belgian immunologist and top medical analyst got a Covid booster shot, his third dose of Pfizer’s clot shot, and is now suffering a barrage of cancer lesions like “fireworks” in his lymph nodes. Michel Goldman, who used to run an institute for vaccine technology analysis, had previously been very outspoken about promoting the “security” […]
By S.D. Wells
For the medical industrial complex, transgenderism is ALL ABOUT THE MONEY – and here’s proof
Independent journalist Matt Walsh has completely exposed the real reason transgender surgery centers are popping up all over the nation, including at the medical centers of major universities. Turning boys into “girls” and girls into “boys” is a huge money making machine, and the whole twisted gender movement pretends to be offended by anyone who […]
By S.D. Wells
After 9/11 America secured airplane flight decks to stop the deaths; after the Covid-19 vaccine holocaust, it’s time to SECURE OUR CHILDREN against Big Pharma terrorism
Twenty one years ago, terrorists took over US planes and flew them into skyscraper buildings in New York City, shocking the nation and killing at least 3,000 people. Afterwards, most Americans were afraid to board planes, wondering if it would happen to the one they were on. So, the authorities took action to prevent this […]
By S.D. Wells
Booking producer at FOX Business News resigned over COVID VAX tyranny, refused to comply with illegal NYC mandate Fox Corp was enforcing
While all of her cohorts at Fox News had received the Fauci Flu jabs and were spreading COVID all over the workplace, Breanna Morello thought the semi-conservative network wasn’t part of the liberal wasteland that denies people medical choice, but she was wrong. With dreams of producing the Tucker Carlson show, Breanna Morello had relocated to […]
By S.D. Wells
Are you or a loved one SUFFERING from allopathic syndrome? There’s a CURE
Prescription medications, since their conception in the early 1900s, were designed to quell or eliminate pain and/or symptoms of sickness, but were never meant to cure anything. By the mid-1900s, vaccines were concocted to con people into believing that infectious diseases could be totally prevented and wiped away, so everyone would be “saved” from polio, […]
By S.D. Wells
Think surgical mutilations are a WOKE thing? The gruesome practice has been carried out for DECADES by cancer surgeons who cut off women’s breasts in the name of “medicine”
The past few years, the “woke” in America want children and teens to be so confused about sex and gender identification that they think they want to switch genders, and then they get convinced surgery will do the “trick.” How do they get convinced of this? Simple answer: social media. It’s a gruesome and perverted […]
By S.D. Wells
Covid tyranny mask pusher Dr. Leana Wen admits masks mandates RETARDED her child’s language development
Just one year ago, TV “doctor” Leana Wen was pushing all Americans to obey every single Fauci Flu mandate 100 percent, like a pandemic dictator, who claimed citizens have no right to leave their home, travel, remain unvaccinated or unmasked at any time, for any reason whatsoever. Dr. Wen toes the line for Big Pharma […]
By S.D. Wells
COVID VAX REGRET: Horrific injuries, lack of support, and inexcusable “black hole” for injury claims against pharma and US government
Impaired immunity is about the worst “side effect” from COVID vaccines that the majority of Americans would want to avoid, not run towards, seeing as how so many people are already suffering from obesity, cancer, heart disease, diabetes and dementia. Fear of COVID outweighed the fear of this because people have been brainwashed by their […]
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