News & Articles By S.D. Wells
By S.D. Wells
Stop saying you “did your research” before you got the Covid-19 vaccine … because YOU ARE the research
For decades, natural health enthusiasts have been hounded by vaccine fanatics for not getting injected with every CDC-recommended vaccine that comes to market, and they blame us all for being “anti-science.” Oh, but how the tables have turned. Now the science reveals that vaccines, especially the Covid-19 vaccines, are very dangerous, not safe in any […]
By S.D. Wells
Most U.S. youth will survive MASS EXTINCTION EVENT planned by Bill Gates, Marxist Democrats and the CDC
Mass vaccine centers in the USA are closing as most youth are declining being injected with the highly experimental and proven deadly mRNA jabs, simply not seeing them as needed for a virus no more dangerous than the seasonal flu, with variations and mutations popping up around the world anyway. As more virulent versions and […]
By S.D. Wells
What’s next on the ABSURD Covid-19 “medical” technology chopping block?
Today, if you’re pro-science, then you’re labeled anti-science, because the Covid-19 vaccines don’t really work. That’s why it doesn’t matter what they invent next for the 150 million American sheeple who worship Western Medicine and are too dumb to know any better. The brainwashed 150 million Americans are all staring at their televisions and smartphones now, […]
By S.D. Wells
Globalist next move in the Marxist playbook: Ostracize the unvaccinated like Hitler ostracized the Jews
According to the Marxist playbook, it’s time to begin disarming the unvaccinated in America and moving them all to the Covid ghettos, like lepers. No vaccine passport? No traveling for you. No job. No groceries. Time to starve to death or get the jabs. Your choice. The globalist agenda is to turn all of the […]
By S.D. Wells
Vaccine passports are a TRAP that sets the stage for Communism rollout across America
A popular trap for catching animals uses the foot hold design, where the animal steps in it and the trap grabs it by the foot and holds it indefinitely. It’s a live catch trap also known as a restraining trap because it captures the animal and restrains it for as long as needed. The trap […]
By S.D. Wells
Reprogramming Females: Sterilization of most US girls and women is the next phase for mRNA vaccine “technology”
We’ve seen HPV vaccines cause spontaneous abortions, still births and miscarriages. Somehow, mothers still let their girls as young as nine get the deadly, maiming HPV jab. We’ve watched the vaccine industry insert human abortion cells into vaccines to conjure up severe immune reactions that are extremely dangerous, including to the reproductive system of women. Those […]
By S.D. Wells
TIMELINE: The CDC’s corrupt history revealed as it pushes mass hysteria to sell dirty vaccines
How could it be that we can’t trust the CDC? How could a country so strong and efficient have the regulatory agency for disease control and prevention be so insidious that all they care about today is controlling the populace by actually spreading disease? It’s always all about money and control, and we have a […]
By S.D. Wells
MEDICAL BIGOTRY: Racist doctors in Boston push to deny healthcare services to White people, based entirely on the color of their skin
Because White people had Black slaves in America over 160 years ago, all White people in America now must pay for it, in the form of sacrificing their healthcare, according to a couple of racist doctors in Boston. That makes a whole lot of sense. By that logic, that should also mean that all Egyptians […]
By S.D. Wells
Florida is throwing the “tea in the harbor” by denying vaccine passports and nullifying all the plandemic tyranny rules of the Marxist DC Democrats
Just say no to chemical violence and medical violence. Don’t be coerced into getting the Chinese Flu vaccines that contain experimental mRNA technology when the whole vaccine industry in this country has already dished out over $4 billion in damages to its victims, dead and alive. If you believe the vaccine industry is out to […]
By S.D. Wells
5 DUMBEST things Americans are doing that make themselves more susceptible to catching and maybe dying from the upcoming Covid-19 virus mutations
The science is in folks. Covid-19 masks are causing bacterial infections and loss of oxygen intake, resulting in fewer nutrients being delivered throughout the human body. This is directly affecting immune function for the worse. Social distancing is a total failure as a strategy for avoiding Covid-19. As it turns out, social distancing is worsening […]
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