News & Articles By S.D. Wells
By S.D. Wells
The top 10 most QUESTIONABLE INGREDIENTS purposely put in today’s already dirty vaccines
Today’s vaccines are “dirty” for more than a few reasons, and in many different ways. First off, FDA inspectors recently found horrific conditions at a plant that was manufacturing J&J vaccines, and more than 15 million doses of the batched, contaminated and outright dirty concoctions had to be trashed. We’re talking about epic failure when […]
By S.D. Wells
BOMBSHELL: FDA inspectors document horrific conditions at J&J COVID-19 vaccine plant
Over 15 million doses of Covid-19 vaccines were halted and trashed after FDA inspectors found ingredients from other vaccines in the Johnson & Johnson jabs, and discovered ‘brown residue’ all over the floors and walls, and open bags of medical waste being dragged around the facility. Talk about dirty vaccines, this is beyond all comprehension. […]
By S.D. Wells
Go out and ABUSE people who aren’t wearing a Covid mask – that’s the message from China Joe’s “science” regime
In a recent tweet, senile Joe “China” Biden wrote: “If you see someone in a mask, “please treat them with kindness and respect.” Meaning if you see anyone without a mask, do not treat them with kindness or respect. In fact, that probably means they voted for Trump, so you should then go full ‘Mad-Max’ […]
By S.D. Wells
SEGREGATION alive and well in New York as Yankees and Mets baseball stadiums have separate seating for the deniers of the deadly Covid-19 mRNA vaccinations
Lepers to the right, please. That’s right folks, welcome to America’s pastime, which is still having a significant impact on ‘shaping the nation.’ Anyone coming to the Mets or Yankees games this year who has not been vaccinated with the world’s most deadliest jab must sit in a segregated section of seats. But wait, there’s […]
By S.D. Wells
EXCLUSIVE: Goebbels-style “ministry of propaganda” tactics on display as ad agency promotes deadly Covid vaccines with manipulative, cunning slogans for buttons and t-shirts
Oh, those Nazis were very cunning, that is for sure. The Jews of Nazi Germany were not dumb, they just never saw it coming. Propaganda is a very powerful machine, and the psychology of sales was instrumental in wiping out half of all Jewish people on planet Earth. That was then. This is now: The […]
By S.D. Wells
How soon before evil Amazon requires a “vaccine passport” to deliver anything to your home, including food?
Jeff Bezos, CEO of Amazon, who is now worth over $200 billion, has completely dominated e-commerce for two decades now, and is solely responsible for bankrupting tens of thousands of small-to-mid-sized businesses across America with his online shopping mall monopoly. On Amazon, you can find scum of the earth books and promotional products that promote […]
By S.D. Wells
WORTHLESS MASKS: We always knew the masks were about control, not safety… now we’ve been proven right
Recently, the hosts of ABC’s “The View” apologized for the CDC having failed to trick people better about getting vaccinated, by letting people who have gotten vaccinated take off their masks. Referring to all people who are opposed to vaccination as “dumb hillbillies,” the bigoted shills showed their true colors. The so-called “lone conservative” co-host, […]
By S.D. Wells
VACCIDENT ALERT: Vehicle accidents caused by vaccine side effects happening all over US roads and highways
If you’ve noticed the mayhem on US roads lately, you’re not the only one. People are driving like maniacs, cutting people out of their lane, swerving, speeding, running red lights, texting while driving and causing horrible wrecks. Besides being brainwashed by the media, more than 50 percent of all drivers are mass medicated with toxic […]
By S.D. Wells
SCIENCE promotes VIOLENCE: Journal “Nature” calls for violent arrest of anyone who won’t accept injections containing mercury, human abortion cells, and cell-altering mRNA sequences
We are the dissidents. We, meaning people who believe in natural medicine, don’t like injections that contain mercury and human abortion cells, and we especially don’t want Bill Gates’ gene therapy shots. We are not in compliance with this invasive medical procedure that could easily be a means of wiping out most of the populace. […]
By S.D. Wells
Evil Dr. Richard Pan to become the “Joseph Mengele” of HHS as Biden Regime tips their hats to Pan’s Nazi-style medical dictatorship of California
The “Angel of Death” they called him. He was SS physician Joseph Mengele, and he functioned “for the greater good” as a Nazi doctor under the orders of one Adolf Hitler. Yes, Mengele conducted horribly inhumane medical experiments on the Auschwitz concentration camp prisoners, most of whom were children. Hitler and Mengele were both perverted child abusers […]
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