News & Articles By S.D. Wells
By S.D. Wells
VAX NAZIS: Instead of yellow badges the Nazis made the Jews wear, the Jewish State of Israel is brandishing its own citizens with vaccine “Happy Badges”
Nearly six million Jews died in the Holocaust, and over a million in the chemical gas chambers, so you’d think the Jewish State of Israel would know better than to force-vaccinate all of their citizens with toxic, lab-concocted vaccines made by tyrannical pharma goons who love genocide delivered under the guise of inoculation. The new, […]
By S.D. Wells
Door-to-door vaccines are this generation’s 9/11 terrorist attack, but instead of using planes, the terrorists are government-trained “volunteers” wielding spike protein bioweapons
The year is 2021. Government goons are going door to door in the United States, armed with guns and blood-clotting vaccines, that have all been declared a “medical experiment.” No, it’s not Orwell’s 1984 or September of 2001, it’s 2021. This is like terrorism, but it’s medical terrorism, and instead of flying planes into buildings […]
By S.D. Wells
Is the new “morning after pill” a Covid vaccine?
There are now three ways of ending a pregnancy: in-clinic abortion, the abortion pill, or a Covid vaccine. All China Flu vaccines are free and available without a prescription, and have now been proven in a clinical trial to kill 4 out of every 5 babies in the womb during the first two trimesters, or […]
By S.D. Wells
Top 10 China flu FAILS by lying governments and fraudulent health “authorities”
We live in a country where most people don’t believe that the food is intentionally slow-poisoned to send us all to doctors and hospitals, over time, suffering from “incurable ills” that end up costing us more than our paychecks could ever cover. We also live in a country where most people don’t believe that prescription […]
By S.D. Wells
Mandatory COVID-19 vaccines at LOCAL LEVEL just around the corner; fake and falsified “Full FDA Approval” vaccines just months away
If there has ever been more fake research, skewed statistics, falsified data, and manipulated “conclusions” published for any medicine than there has been for vaccines, please let it be known. From the fake polio vaccine to the mercury-loaded flu shots, more health detriment comes from inoculations than any other form of “medication,” thanks to the […]
By S.D. Wells
Busted: Biden’s door-to-door vaccine enforcement goons instructed in writing to engage in ILLEGAL SOLICITATIONS to push dirty vaccines on Americans
The definition of solicitation is not limited to the selling of a product or service, but also includes urging, petitioning, requesting, enticing and alluring. And since that hasn’t worked, the Covid Regime thugs in Washington DC are now readying to send armed federal troops to your door with a few FEMA reps to question you, […]
By S.D. Wells
Bad logic of vaccine zealots is like Nazis claiming Jews were “procrastinating” for failing to report to concentration death camps and gas chambers
Have you noticed that “procrastination” and “hesitation” are to blame for low vaccination rates across America, instead of blaming vaccine-induced injuries and vaccine-induced deaths of pandemic proportion? Vaccine promoters and fanatics describe anyone who refuses the deadly China Flu jabs as experiencing “hesitancy” and guilty of “procrastination” because those fanatical vax-freaks don’t want to talk […]
By S.D. Wells
MIND-BLOWING: Oakland and Denver zoos giving COVID-19 spike protein vaccines to animals – including bears, gorillas, tigers and mountain lions
With zero science to back up giving zoo animals China virus jabs, and zero animals testing positive for Covid, the Oakland Zoo and Denver Zoo are both moving forward, shooting up animals with toxic “inoculations” that cause blood clots and heart inflammation in humans. There are also no records of any animals transmitting Covid to […]
By S.D. Wells
Having already convinced most blue states to commit vaccine suicide, Jill Biden now targets RED states to make sure conservatives are exterminated, too
Including the swing states her husband’s CCP regime stole, Jill “Joe” Biden is touring conservative states to help make the upcoming vaccine-induced death wave look more balanced between red and blue states. Though it’s mostly Democrats who rushed to the vaccine outlets to get jabbed with blood-clotting, heart inflaming “inoculations,” it’s still very important to […]
By S.D. Wells
Covid vaccines are like deadly snake VENOM and the CDC functions as the ultimate snake oil “salesman”
Snake oil is the term people use for deceptive marketing of products, especially having to do with fraudulent health care. Vaccines are concoctions made in laboratories that contain deadly antigens and pathogens, often causing much more severe health damage and death than whatever virus they are supposed to protect against. All snake oil vaccines come with […]
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