News & Articles By S.D. Wells
By S.D. Wells
Congress and all judges EXEMPT from mandatory Covid vaccination Executive Order because they know the clot shots are deadly
Resident Biden has signed an Executive Order that requires all federal executive branch workers to be vaccinated, except the House, Senate, himself, and all judges. The elitists enforcing everything Covid keep saying they can’t make anyone take the jabs, but you’re fired from your government job if you don’t, and they’re not taking them because they […]
By S.D. Wells
FEAR-BASED pandemic goal: Create “novel” viruses, then reduce world’s population by several billion by scaring everyone into taking deadly vaccines
“The Covid-19 virus was an animal virus that was manipulated by human beings to become infectious to human beings, and then its lethality was augmented for it to be more destructive to human lung tissue,” Dr. Vladimir Zelenko, Md. informs us all. Well, not too many people know this (plus YouTube deleted it forever), but […]
By S.D. Wells
Why do transgenders need vaccines if they can just DECIDE to “self identify” as vaccinated?
In America, everyone is free to practice whatever religion they choose, including none. We are all entitled to that under the Constitution. We can also change our minds about religion at any given moment and function under a different religion’s traditions, flowing from one belief system to another at will. Today, in America, millions of […]
By S.D. Wells
Why not test everybody via PCR for chicken pox and lock down the whole world from a single case of chicken pox?
Take an objective look back at what has transpired so far with the ‘pandemic,’ and you will see what closely resembles a far-fetched, science fiction horror movie, where ‘mutant viruses’ are trying to take over the planet, except the irony is that the millions of healthy earthlings who don’t get vaccinated aren’t affected. Currently, New Zealand is on total […]
By S.D. Wells
BUSTED: Scripted Covid propaganda reveals how nearly all American doctors are just puppets of the corrupt American Medical Association and the Vaccine Industrial Complex
You haven’t seen anything until you’ve seen the AMA’s “Interview Response Formula” and “Controlled Response” script specifically written to train all the puppet MDs in America how to brainwash everyone into getting toxic, spike-protein bioweapon injections for the lab-made China Flu. This absolutely corrupt, complete propaganda-ridden guide to “Covid-19 Language Swaps” tells doctors EXACTLY what […]
By S.D. Wells
America’s media-made “Covid Cult” so brainwashed they want people to DIE who refuse to wear a mask or vaccinate
The CDC director and top vaccine industry shill, Rochelle Walensky, has announced to America that if you are not vaccinated for China Flu then you should not travel during the Labor Day holiday, while 200 million Americans are suffering from compromised immunity due to the blood-clotting, spike protein bioweapon injections. No health official anywhere is […]
By S.D. Wells
SHOCKER: Red Cross is warning all Americans that Covid-vaccinated humans are INELIGIBLE for donating plasma… does that mean their blood and organs are also contaminated with spike proteins?
Hospitals like to use certain plasma that is made up of antibodies from people who have recovered from the China flu to help new China flu victims recover, but the Covid vaccines wipe out those antibodies, rendering their plasma useless. That means only people who have NOT received the blood-clotting, spike protein injections can donate […]
By S.D. Wells
The FDA protects the tobacco industry while pushing spike protein bioweapon jabs
In America, most food, medicine and ‘leisure’ habits involve ingesting chemicals on a daily basis that cause cancer, diabetes and dementia. In America, the FDA and CDC work closely with corporations to make sure deadly chemicals are not only approved for consumption, but promoted heavily by doctors and scientists (who are all on their payroll). […]
By S.D. Wells
New Polio-like “Multi-system Inflammatory Syndrome for Children” (MIS-C) could be created by injecting Covid spike protein vaccines into children, paralyzing their arms and legs
In October of 2020, just under a year ago, the FDA was briefed on a long list of more than 20 severe adverse events and side effects, including deathly diseases and debilitating disorders, that would result from Covid spike protein injections. Remember, the first Covid vaccines were not given until December 2020, in New York, […]
By S.D. Wells
Since thousands of doctors are already saying they won’t treat unvaccinated people, shouldn’t they also stop treating patients who eat sugar and who don’t take vitamin D?
An epidemic is an outbreak of a disease, and a pandemic is an epidemic that spreads to more than one continent. A pandemic is not limited to infectious diseases, and it doesn’t have to be “contagious.” Did you know that “Big Food” and the medical industrial complex in America created several epidemics over the past […]
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