News & Articles By S.D. Wells
By S.D. Wells
If the world’s most toxic products and vaccines had HONEST warning labels
If you are not a natural health advocate, you probably have no idea how to shop for actual healthy food, non-toxic personal care products or medicine that actually works and doesn’t complicate ailments or conditions needing treatment. If you’re not a natural health advocate, you have no clue to avoid the “corporate aisles,” that make […]
By S.D. Wells
Your Body… their Battlefield: COVID “vaccines” are biological warfare via 5 major fronts
According to military terminology, a multiple front war occurs when opposing forces engage on geographically separate fronts or “frontiers” in order to increase their chances of success. These battlefronts are contested, armed frontiers that can be local or tactical fronts, and can also become what is termed a “theater.” The term “home front” denotes battle […]
By S.D. Wells
If masks are no longer needed in UK, why do they work in the USA? Does the virus know what continent it’s on?
If masks and vaccines really work, then the virus would be done here, and everywhere already, entering the endemic phase. Somehow, Covid seems to hate America, maybe for claiming independence from the UK, and has now sided with the UK. This news comes on the heels of Boris Johnson announcing the END of nearly ALL […]
By S.D. Wells
Nazi SS-Covid Police faced with justified backlash and standoff against women in Boston restaurant who had no vaccine passport and still ordered food for dining in
No human in Boston is allowed to buy or eat food at any indoor venue if they cannot show proof they have been injected with billions of toxic prions. Six females walked into a pizzeria in Boston and… the store manager called the Nazi SS-Covid Police to attempt to force them out, but it didn’t […]
By S.D. Wells
“Logan’s Run” and “Innerspace” both decades-old science fiction films with surprisingly accurate predictions of what the Covid apocalypse is now ushering in
Most natural health advocates already realize that the entire Covid scamdemic, including wearing masks and taking countless “vaccines” is a population reduction agenda. It is first aimed at killing off senior citizens and people with co-morbidities, like cancer, diabetes, heart disease, obesity and dementia. Using nano-technology and blood-clotting protein prions, vaccine technology is the Trojan […]
By S.D. Wells
Warning labels on CIGARETTES now changed to cover for Covid vaccine-induced deaths claiming “small amounts” of SMOKE trigger “sudden blood clots, heart attacks and strokes”
Cigarette smoke and even second-hand smoke somehow, all of a sudden, can trigger blood clots, heart attacks and strokes, according to cigarette manufacturers and distributors. This comes as a huge coincidence in its timing as millions of people around the world who have been injected with Fauci Flu shots are now suffering or have died […]
By S.D. Wells
mRNA inventor Dr. Malone describes FULL-ON MEDIA WARFARE as the Covidian Complex cons the majority of Americans into getting deadly Fauci Flu injections
Welcome to “Thunder Dome,” also known as the Covidian Complex, where over sixty percent of Americans have already begun participating in a death trap game where they allow Big Pharma and Big Tech to control all of their major body functions using nano-technology delivered by inoculations. Now, one of the inventors of those very mRNA […]
By S.D. Wells
Forget about science and safety, CDC Director Walensky dishes Covid advice based on what Americans “would tolerate”
Ask anyone who has received the deadly Covid “vaccines” and they will tell you they are totally pro-science, yet there is NO science behind the jabs to show they stop contraction, transmission or even severe cases of Covid. There is also NO science behind quarantines, lockdowns, masks or isolation, and now comes the admission from […]
By S.D. Wells
Americans get 90 DAYS IN JAIL for simply keeping their businesses OPEN during the scamdemic, while Walmart, McDonald’s, Amazon rake in a fortune
A judge in Minnesota just sentenced a woman to 90 days in jail for “violating” the governor’s COVID-19 indoor service ban during the scamdemic. Thou shall not make money during the China Flu crisis unless you are a high-ranking member of a huge corporation (at the top of the food chain). Though quarantines, lockdowns and […]
By S.D. Wells
TIME Magazine names mass murdering vaccine scientists “heroes of the year” while vaccine deaths continue to accelerate
Time is the ultimate “shill” magazine based out of New York City with a circulation of about 3 million, that got cut down to 2 million 3 years ago. Time tells the “news” through people who represent dogmatic political stances for mainstream media to capitalize upon, including 9/11, the George Floyd incident, and anyone who […]
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