News & Articles By S.D. Wells
By S.D. Wells
It’s really a pandemic of CONTROL over the people rather than one of a virus spreading
It can’t really be called a pandemic when less than half of one percent of people who catch the virus die from it, and 99 percent of those people are already dying from cancer, heart disease, diabetes, prescription drugs or dementia. Everyone else who supposedly died from Wuhan Virus SARS-CoV-2 died from something else, but […]
By S.D. Wells
MINDBLOWING: Pfizer ADMITS in own documents it likely can’t demonstrate sufficient efficacy or safety of its COVID-19 vaccines to get permanent use approval
It is a sad state of affairs when the leading manufacturers of vaccines confess that their own favorite mantra of “safe and effective” means nothing and has been fabricated as propaganda to push their dangerous experiment solely for profits. This is not some rogue doctor’s opinion, or some journalists spreading “misinformation,” but rather the manufacturers […]
By S.D. Wells
Vaccine-pimping “science” media outlets GOT PUNKED by bikini wearing “doctor” who turned out to be nothing more than a pharma shill (opinion)
(Op-ed) So-called “celebrity doctors” are a dime a dozen these days, and mainstream media simply gobbles them up, with no fact checking and no vetting, as long as the script fits and follows the narrative. This time, it’s a school nurse, who moonlights as an Instagram bikini model, claiming to be an expert on all […]
By S.D. Wells
Meet the BRANCH COVIDIANS: An apocalyptic medical-extremist group of tyrants whose avid followers participate in genocide by vaccination
Science is no longer evidence-based when it comes to medicine in America, it’s a new religion that’s all faith-based. Do you “believe” in vaccines? Do you “believe” that wearing face masks all day and night works to prevent the spread of COVID? If not, you will be persecuted for not believing in the new religion […]
By S.D. Wells
Putin does NOT inoculate his troops with deadly mRNA vaccines, they use vector vaccines only
Many people do not understand the difference between viral vector vaccines and mRNA injections, and therefore would not understand why Russian President Vladimir Putin would never risk injecting his military with the mRNA jabs, but is not afraid to use the viral vector option. This article aims to simplify the explanation of the difference, and […]
By S.D. Wells
COVID “XE?” Just another BS “variant” to try to scare more people into taking more blood-clotting vaccines
Here we go again. The new BS variant fresh off the laboratory chopping block is COVID “XE,” which is supposedly a combo-breed of mutant variables – a new head cold more contagious than omicron, but it’s really just a LIE to push more deadly vaccines and “boosters.” Run for your lives, screams mainstream media. A […]
By S.D. Wells
The COVID-19 Dossier incriminates Pfizer even more than you might have realized
A dossier is a file containing detailed records and various documents relating to the affairs of a particular person or subject, and those “affairs” can be medical, criminal, or both. The first part of the word, “dos,” is French with origins in the Latin dorsum, as in the “dorsal” fin on the back of a […]
By S.D. Wells
Are you suffering from GAIN OF FUNCTION SYNDROME from the Fauci death stabs?
Are you or a loved one suffering from GFS, gain of function syndrome, caused by repeated Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccinations that compromise natural body immunity? Thanks to gain of function research, naturally occurring viruses now have artificial adaptation qualities that allow them to enter human cells through gene editing or super-speed “passaging.” Highly dangerous pathogens […]
By S.D. Wells
HOW LONG until the world launches “Nuremberg” style murder trials for the evil scientists at Moderna, Pfizer, and J&J who created the deadly Covid jabs? (op-ed)
The CDC has become a “purely political organization,” says Dr. Robert Malone, one of the creators of mRNA injections, as they are the ones spreading medical misinformation and hiding critical data from physicians, scientists, health authorities and the American public. This misinformation constitutes fraud and is criminal. Also, according to Dr. Robert Malone, regarding the […]
By S.D. Wells
America, it’s time to REPORT Fauci, Biden, CNN and the CDC as COVID-19 disinformation spreaders
Is it “misinformation” to say the Earth is not flat? Is it “disinformation” to say the sun does not revolve around the Earth? Centuries ago, philosophers and ruling entities might have called you a “conspiracy theorist” if you had spread this kind of information, even though science ended up proving it correct. Today, the “science” […]
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