News & Articles By Lance D Johnson
By Lance D Johnson
In NYC, the unvaccinated are condemned and segregated as the new sub-human class … in a society now rooted in medical discrimination and hateful bigotry
New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio announced a new plan to permanently discriminate and segregate the unvaccinated from society, and Joe Biden supports it. De Blasio the tyrant said the unvaccinated have no right to have a job, to eat at a counter, to ride on a bus or enter a building. He is […]
By Lance D Johnson
CDC propaganda reaches hilarious new low as VETERINARIAN posts scripted warning about her “hospital” being full of covid patients
There seems to be no end to the CDC’s propaganda and control, as it proliferates every aspect of society, causing perpetual hysteria, loss of civil liberties and medical ethics. Yet for over a year, social media platforms have adopted CDC propaganda as doctrine, punishing scientific inquiry and censoring topics like informed consent, infection treatment, vaccine […]
By Lance D Johnson
Local government in Philippines declares that unvaccinated people are barred from purchasing FOOD
Human rights abuses are accelerating worldwide, as governments claim dominion over people’s bodies and minds. In the Philippine city of Lapu-Lapu, Mayor Junard “Ahong” Chan signed a terror-inspired executive order that bans the “unvaccinated” from department stores, convenience stores, supermarkets and grocery stores. Individuals who do not submit their body to the experimental covid-19 protocol […]
By Lance D Johnson
Bad news for the vaxxed: The official vaccine narrative IMPLODING: CDC warns that virus is evading the vaccines; masks and quarantines now required for all
For months, public health authorities told citizens that “life would not go back to normal” unless 90 percent of the population was vaccinated with experimental spike protein mRNA programs. Lockdowns were used to force people to comply with vaccine mandates. Celebrities and politicians were recruited to promote the shots on social media as the vaccine-injured […]
By Lance D Johnson
It is mathematically impossible for covid vaccines to achieve anything useful for the population
The multi-billion-dollar race to create a safe and effective vaccine for SARS-CoV-2 has brought forward approximately 96 vaccine candidates and has introduced an experimental mRNA technology to the field of vaccination. Four of these vaccine candidates have published studies in scientific journals, yet these vaccine efficacy studies have been misconstrued and misinterpreted by both the […]
By Lance D Johnson
Alabama doctor’s heart-wrenching story about young, dying covid patients “begging to be vaccinated” turns out to be a complete fabrication
A hospital physician from Grandview Medical Center in Birmingham, Alabama recently penned a heart-wrenching story on social media about young, healthy patients dying from covid, begging her for vaccines. The alleged doctor, Brytney Cobia, says she holds their hand and tells them, “I’m sorry, but it’s too late” – before intubating them into a coma. […]
By Lance D Johnson
Terror and abuse: Pfizer is using the corrupt AAP to push mask mandates on children until they’re all vaccinated or dead
The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recently announced that kids over two years of age should be “masked up” for the upcoming school year. Under the new “guidance” children (including babies in nurseries) will be forced to wear masks until all children can collectively prove they are FULLY VACCINATED with experimental spike proteins. Many parents […]
By Lance D Johnson
Globalists now blame RUSSIANS and RACISM for “vaccine hesitancy”
After the Biden regime failed to reach the July 4th vaccination goals set forth by the globalists, Biden announced a new plan to send government workers to the homes of the unvaccinated to combat widespread “vaccine hesitancy.” “Now we need to go community by community, neighborhood by neighborhood, and often times door-to-door — literally knocking […]
By Lance D Johnson
SHOT ON SIGHT: Biden’s door-to-door vaccine propagandists are now bringing vaccinators along with them
The witch hunt is on, as the federal government prepares to send out “health ambassadors” and “public health workers” into communities and neighborhoods across the United States. The Mecklenburg County Health Department in North Carolina is launching a “doses to doors” program, equipping vaccine propagandists with covid-19 shots, which can be delivered at the person’s […]
By Lance D Johnson
Vaccine passport now MANDATORY in France, following more than a year of corporate media propagandists claiming the idea was a “conspiracy theory”
French president Emmanuel Macron just suspended the rule of law and declared an all-out war against human rights, making the vaccine passport MANDATORY in France. Starting on July 21st, the EU Digital Covid certificate will be required to gain entry into all cultural venues, cinemas, theaters and concert halls. On August 1st, the digital vaccine […]
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