News & Articles By Lance D Johnson
By Lance D Johnson
Top public health figures accused of GENOCIDE in historic complaint sent to the International Criminal Court
Some of the most domineering public health figures during the covid-19 scandal are NAMED in a historic indictment sent to the International Criminal Court (ICC). These government, pharmaceutical and public health officials have ruled un-democratically over the people and imposed harmful policies of subjugation under the guise of “mitigating covid-19.” Their unaccountable policies of subjugation […]
By Lance D Johnson
Why are ineffective and dangerous vaccines being pushed onto children who are not at risk to the advertised infection?
The mRNA vaccines are ineffective and dangerous, yet they are being pushed onto children who are not at risk to the advertised infection. So why are parents submitting to this experimental inoculation if their child is not at risk? A study published in Toxicology Reports asks, “Why are we vaccinating children for covid-19?” Per capita […]
By Lance D Johnson
CDC projects DEATHS to hit 15,600 per week in the US, but blames the deaths on COVID, not the vaccine
There are now more Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) cases in the U.K. than ever before (78,610 were recorded on December 15). The U.K. is set to break that record in the coming days and weeks as new mutations of coronavirus spike proteins start to take hold of the population, regardless of vaccine status. Meanwhile, the Centers for Disease Control […]
By Lance D Johnson
Japan Health Ministry issues HEART WARNING for Pfizer and Moderna covid vaccines
The Japan Health Ministry has been receiving several reports of young people developing severe heart inflammation after taking the Pfizer or Modern mRNA vaccines. The public health officials recently held a meeting with a panel of experts to discuss the rate of myocarditis and pericarditis in young men and teenagers. All over the world, previously […]
By Lance D Johnson
SICK: California school uses junk food to BRIBE children to get vaccinated without parental consent
In Los Angeles, a 13-year-old student came home with a COVID-19 vaccine card and told his mother he was awarded pizza for taking the COVID-19 vaccine. The boy attends the Barack Obama Global Prep Academy, which has already inoculated 80 percent of the student population using prizes and other bribes. The boy’s mother never consented […]
By Lance D Johnson
Illinois lawmaker proposes bill to forcefully strip insurance coverage from unvaccinated people, make them pay higher prices
The same political party that wants “free healthcare for all” is the same political party that wants to refuse insurance coverage and medical care for people who do not comply with endless, discriminatory vaccine mandates. An Illinois State Representative, a Democrat named Jonathan Carroll, drafted a bill that forcefully strips insurance coverage from unvaccinated people […]
By Lance D Johnson
New York rapidly turning into a miserable, enslaved vaccine police state
Disgraced totalitarian Bill de Blasio is trying to make New York City the most miserable place in the United States. He is competing with other fascist, left-wing dictators (from other cities) to turn New York City into a permanently enslaved vaccine police state. His latest vaccine mandates, which take ownership over all private sector employees, […]
By Lance D Johnson
BOMBSHELL: There is NO scientific evidence that covid-19 vaccines have saved a single life
The old adage that “vaccines save lives” cannot, in any way, be applied to the experimental covid-19 jabs. No matter how many times the public is told to believe LIES, there’s still no scientific data to prove it. An analysis by Peter Doshi, published in the British Medical Journal, points out the obvious: The vaccine […]
By Lance D Johnson
Worldwide protests erupt against deadly vaccines that are KILLING people at an alarming rate
Protests are erupting around the globe. It has become increasing clear: Mandatory vaccines equal mandatory suffering, dependence and death. Cities in Canada, Europe and Australia are in a constant state of protest now, as people fight back to reclaim their rights, their sovereignty, their health and their life. As governments and corporations demand endless vaccine […]
By Lance D Johnson
Eighty medical centers in the US are now conducting inhumane, heart-damaging genetic experiments on BABIES
As the Christmas season nears, children are being experimented on with a new genetic technology that causes permanent heart damage and immune system depletion. There are now eighty medical centers in the United States that are conducting needless, heart damaging genetic experiments on children younger than five. These medical centers are taking orders from Pfizer […]
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