News & Articles By Cassie B.
By Cassie B.
Confirmed: Medical science lab used HUMANS as guinea pigs for risky experiments
It sounds like something you might see in a movie or on TV: A secretive, high-security 7,000-acre site in a small West Country town surrounded by warning signs houses canisters full of poisonous gases and samples of some of the deadliest viruses in the world. Far from fictional, this unsettling lab that conducts experiments on […]
By Cassie B.
Controversial gene-editing procedure to fight AIDS is again being considered by scientists, despite disastrous results a decade ago
When the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention announced last year that people who take HIV medication religiously for six months can theoretically get to point where they can’t transmit the virus, it was considered a huge advancement. There remains no cure for HIV and AIDS, although it is not the death sentence that it […]
By Cassie B.
Massachusetts considers legalizing assisted death, so the same doctors who now kill you accidentally can start killing you on purpose
Should a doctor be allowed to give an adult who is terminally ill and has fewer than six months to live a medication that will allow them to die peacefully in their sleep if they request it? After opposing assisted death officially since 1996, the Massachusetts Medical Society has now become neutral on the issue, […]
By Cassie B.
“Eco-friendly” company comes up with ingenious way to dispose of the entire population using city sewage systems (seriously)
It’s not the most pleasant topic, but at some point, you’ve probably thought about what you’d like to happen to your remains when you pass away. You might want to be buried underground in a cemetery plot, or perhaps you’d rather be cremated. One thing you probably haven’t considered is having your remains liquefied and […]
By Cassie B.
CDC emails reveal culture of deep corruption and scientific dishonesty
If you had any doubts about the culture of corruption at the CDC, a look at some internal correspondence regarding vaccine studies should clear things up for you. This email correspondence, which is the subject of a recent exposé by Vera Sharav for the World Mercury Project, shows just how far officials at the CDC […]
By Cassie B.
Global black market body parts trade is REAL: Sellers offer torsos, heads, organs and limbs… for the right price
The body parts trade is real, and it’s not just legitimate medical researchers who are engaging in the practice. According to a recent Reuters expose, some U.S. body brokers have been caught defrauding customers by selling body parts infected with communicable diseases. American body brokers have supplied body parts to at least 45 nations since […]
By Cassie B.
Medical monstrosity: Doctors creating “three-parent” babies to be carried to term by female volunteers
With all the Frankenstein-like science that we’ve been seeing in recent years, it was only a matter of time before scientists found a way to create babies using three parents. Now, doctors in the UK have been given the green light to create three-parent babies. The country’s fertility regulator is allowing doctors at Newcastle Fertility […]
By Cassie B.
TB vaccine SCAM: Scientists gave 1,400 babies a new vaccine for tuberculosis despite FAILED safety trials
An investigation by the British Medical Journal has exposed a horrifying vaccine scam that took place in the same place that many unethical vaccine stories come from – Africa. There, babies were used as guinea pigs to test out a vaccine after the monkeys it was tested on died. According to the report, nearly 1,400 […]
By Cassie B.
Daily Beast vaccine propagandist tries to “expose” vaccine truth researcher, fails miserably
Those who choose to speak out about injustices often find themselves the subject of character attacks by those who would prefer they stay silent. This is what happened to vaccine truth researcher Jeffry John Aufderheide. As the editor of the website, he shares research and stories showing the downside of vaccines and the mainstream […]
By Cassie B.
PET HEALTH WARNING: Veterinarians are wildly overdosing small dogs with toxic vaccines, causing devastating side effects
Vets around the world are seeing horrific reactions from over-vaccinating, yet many pet owners remain unaware of the problem and continue to bring their pets in for yearly shots without questioning the risks. All pets are given the same vaccine dose regardless of their size, which means a cat that weighs five pounds will get […]
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