News & Articles By Cassie B.
By Cassie B.
Disturbing study finds doctors stop listening to patients after just 11 seconds
If you’ve ever had the feeling that your doctor isn’t really listening to you, it could be because the conversation between patients and doctors tends to be one-way – and not in the patient’s favor. A team of researchers from the University of Florida, Gainesville, recently carried out a study that investigated the clinical encounters […]
By Cassie B.
New research finds that routine breast cancer tests lead to unnecessary mastectomies and chemotherapy
Are women’s fears of breast cancer driving them to get unnecessary, dangerous treatments like chemotherapy and mastectomies? A pair of studies shows just how much women are endangering their lives for no benefit after getting a diagnosis. The first is an unsettling U.K. study that looked at more than 2,700 women who were 40 or […]
By Cassie B.
EXPLOSIVE research: Chickenpox vaccine linked to widespread increase in shingles
If you ever had chicken pox, you probably have some unpleasant memories of the unrelenting itch and long soaks in an oatmeal bath looking for some relief. Most kids today will never know the misery of a bout of chicken pox because of the chicken pox vaccine, but it looks like all of us could […]
By Cassie B.
New study proves the UNDENIABLE connection between vaccination and autism
How much longer can those who profit from vaccines deny the connection between autism rates and vaccination? With incriminating evidence like the latest report from the Public Health Agency of Canada, their damage control experts will certainly have their work cut out for them. The agency is about to release its first national autism-related data […]
By Cassie B.
PSYCH DRUG America: More than 8 million children now on mind-altering psychiatric medication
As more children are being prescribed psychiatric drugs for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, misuse is also on the rise, prompting experts to question why so many kids are being told they need psychiatric drugs in the first place. The journal Pediatrics reports that poison control centers saw more than 150,000 calls related to people younger […]
By Cassie B.
Home of scientists who discovered contaminants in vaccines RAIDED; documents confiscated for the “good of science”
Vaccines are one of the most hotly debated topics today, and their defenders often ask those who voice concerns about vaccines to furnish evidence that they’re bad. While there is no shortage of studies showing the harm they cause, a recent incident reminds us that there is likely a lot more information out there about […]
By Cassie B.
The FDA has restricted the sale of implanted birth control Essure after women claim the device made them suicidal
The U.S. FDA has finally followed the lead of other countries and restricted the sale of the birth control implant Essure. This comes after they gave the device the strongest possible safety warning in 2016 and asked its manufacturer, Bayer, to carry out a post-market study. The device is already banned in every other country […]
By Cassie B.
New laws would allow children to be artificially created from the genes of dead humans… “posthumous conception” creates living from the dead
One of the hottest topics being debated in bioethics right now is the concept of conceiving a child using the sperm or egg of a dead person. For example, a man’s frozen sperm could be used after his death for in vitro fertilization or artificial insemination, or a woman’s frozen eggs could be used to […]
By Cassie B.
Scientists warn that many pharma drugs DESTROY our gut microbiome, causing us to be more vulnerable to disease
You’ve probably heard by now that antibiotics can seriously impact your gut microbiome, but it turns out that this action is not just limited to antibiotics. Now, scientists from Germany’s European Molecular Biology Laboratory have found that many drugs that target human cells rather than bacteria can cause changes in microbiome composition as well. In […]
By Cassie B.
Babies feel pain at 21 weeks: Doctors say that open fetal surgery should include anesthesia for the fetus
What babies experience in the womb has long been the subject of debate, but experts who don’t have a vested interest in carrying out abortions are being increasingly vocal about the fact that a fetus does feel pain from much earlier than many people would like to believe. A new study from the University of […]
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