News & Articles By Cassie B.
By Cassie B.
Purdue Pharma and other pharmaceutical firms built opioid market on deception and lies
When the news broke this week that OxyContin makers Purdue Pharmam and the Sackler family behind it, have agreed to pay $270 million to settle an opioid lawsuit filed by the state of Oklahoma, many felt it was a big step in the right direction. With entire states suing them and hundreds of millions of […]
By Cassie B.
Congressman Dr. Mark Green raises alarm over CDC fraud and health dangers of vaccine ingredients
One reason that topics like dangerous vaccines do not get a lot of publicity is because the government is often willing to look the other way. Big Pharma’s reach is great, but it is about to find a very powerful opponent in the form of Tennessee congressman Dr. Mark Green. Dr. Green is a physician […]
By Cassie B.
Johnson & Johnson exposed as the mastermind corporation behind the opioid epidemic that kills 60,000 Americans a year
Who is to blame for the opioid epidemic that is currently gripping the nation and taking the lives of 60,000 Americans each year? Most people tend to blame the makers of these drugs, the doctors who prescribe them, and some even fault those who take these medications. However, now a very familiar name has been […]
By Cassie B.
Parents of non-vaccinated children denied the right to attend school as left-wing judge orders them to stay home during outbreak carried by VACCINATED children
In New York, a federal judge has ruled against the parents of non-vaccinated kids, denying their children their right to attend school. U.S. District Court Judge Vincent Briccetti denied a temporary injunction request that would have permitted 44 unvaccinated kids to return to school. This will keep the students out of the Green Meadow Waldorf […]
By Cassie B.
Researchers say chemotherapy is linked to a HIGHER risk of developing metastatic disease
Chemotherapy has earned quite a reputation for the distress it causes your body, but many people believe it’s simply the price they have to pay if they want a fighting chance at surviving cancer. Unfortunately, what many patients don’t realize is that the very chemotherapy that is meant to stop their cancer in its tracks […]
By Cassie B.
Kills more than just pain: Study proves Tylenol has damaging effects on children’s brains
Acetaminophen, the main ingredient in Tylenol, is one of the most commonly used over-the-counter painkillers today. Many people take it without giving it a second thought, popping one every time they feel a headache coming on and giving it to their kids at the slightest sign of fever. Don’t let the fact that you don’t […]
By Cassie B.
Take it from a doctor: Heart surgeon says statins DO NOT work, can even increase risk of diabetes and obesity
If you aren’t taking statins, there is a good chance you know several people who do. After all, a quarter of the American population over the age of 45 takes one daily. Given their widespread use, you would think they are incredibly effective and safe, but nothing could be further from the truth – and […]
By Cassie B.
Diabetes industry pushing high-profit medications rather than teaching people to eat healthier
Diabetes is one of the biggest health problems our country is facing, with more than 30 million Americans suffering from the condition. It’s particularly prevalent in older Americans, with 25.9 percent of seniors aged 65 and older having the condition, versus 9.3 percent of the population overall. As the seventh leading cause of death in […]
By Cassie B.
Stunning video shows how the vaccine industry has turned the measles, an ordinary, non-fatal infection like chicken pox, into a hyperventilated national emergency
When you hear the word “measles,” what is your first reaction? No one would blame you for panicking and keeping your distance from those who have the disease, given all the hype over it, but what exactly is so bad about it? Do you even know? Contrast this with your gut reaction to chicken pox. […]
By Cassie B.
Statins DOUBLE your risk of developing diabetes
Which condition would you rather have: high cholesterol or diabetes? It’s a choice you might be unwittingly making if you take statins to lower your cholesterol as studies show that those who take the drugs are twice as likely to develop diabetes as those who do not. On top of that, they also have a […]
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